Posts tagged Kerys Nathan
Celebrity Glamour For Under A Tenner!

Isn’t it every girl’s dream to live life like a glamorous celeb? Unfortunately, keeping up with the Kardashian’s or the Beckham’s does nothing more than bump up an already over bulging bank account. Unlike Victoria and her Louis Vuitton lined pockets, most of us have little more than a gaping hole burning its way through the lining. However, with a little imagination and a sense of adventure you really don’t have to be massively minted to have a good time. These days, it would seem that even a penniless princess can work it Hollywood style and for not much more than a tenner.

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Live a life that serves you

The daily choices we make impact our lives massively and if you are choosing wisely, then fantastic, you are living a life that serves you. The greatest part of the 'Phenomenal Woman philosophy' that we advocate, is that as women, we choose to create a life that serves us but one that also makes a positive impact on everyone around us.

However, far too often I see women holding themselves back by putting the demands of others way beyond their own needs. This not only has a negative impact on you, but leaves you turning around years later and wondering where on earth your life went. What an awful feeling to have. Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting others first, when the situation requires it, but when other peoples' demands eat away at what serves your greater need, then you will sadly create yourself nothing but a limited life and that is not phenomenal at all. 

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The Soul Factor

When the opening title music has been played and the audience has ceased cheering, will you still be able to bring the required 'memorable factor' to the table? With commercially based programmes such as the 'X-Factor' ruling the airwaves and dominating our social media news feeds, I wanted to take a moment to turn it inside out and ask the audience, 'How many votes will you get for your 'S-Factor?'  It's time to turn away from the screens and all the mediated hype and go back to basics. It's time to eliminate the manufactured 'X' and take a deeper look at the Soul Factor - that incredible ball of energy that fires up your potential, is responsible for your greatest performance and lives inside us all. 

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